Wednesday, July 9, 2014

It makes sense....

It only makes sense that the "Valentina DEvine" is a super talented knitter. Look her up on google. She makes some awesome things. I only know this because as I was trying to search for my blog- "Valentine DIvine" and she kept coming up.

I haven't written on this blog in awhile. When I originally started this blog, I was in a really bad place. I had just broken up with my fiance and had to move out and basically start my life over. My family was at wits end and with a hard core Italian family that meant everyone had a problem with every single family member. At that time I thought my life was completely doomed. I had failed at the most basic and primal emotions. Love...and also survival. The first few months of living c by myself were the worst. I had to learn how to stretch my dollar to the utmost max and try to make strong interpersonal connections. I failed. Miserably.

Fast forward a bunch of years later to now and I've got this living alone thing down pat. All those wasted concoctions I tried to pass off as food forced me to learn how to be a better cook. Now I don't like to toot my own horn here, but I can now cook pretty good. My thrift shop bargains transformed into IKEA works of art. I must admit I did keep some of my old items because I swear one day I will refashion them. Most importantly, I was able to strengthen the bonds in my family and let go of the toxic bonds I held with some friends. In this process I was able to allow myself to love again. 

My goal in this blog previously was to vent and rant and rave about the injustices of life. Though I still feel there are injustices in this world, I've really learned how to cope. I can't promise that I won't complain, but I will promise to keep it at a funny minimum.

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